8 months ago
This blog is all about one of my favorite things -- food!! From cooking to baking to eating and everything in between! Bon Appétit!
....has produced offspring!!
Now don't let your eyes be fooled. This pie only produced ONE offspring (the one on the far left), but it's close relatives Brownie-Lover's Brownie and Cinnamon Sugar Donuts have AlSo produced offspring! You can have this amazing trio for dessert (if you have room), or you can choose one of these minis to accompany your dinner (which is what I did). The mini caramel pie was the perfect size/compliment to an already delicious and filling dinner. And the best part? It was a mere $1.99. Y.U.M.And yes, they are all gone! I had a little help from hubby and my little fella, but enjoyed quite a few myself. Hey, it's fruit which in my book means it's healthy! :)
What did your sweetie get you for Valentine's Day (or what did you get your sweetie)?