Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope each of you have had a wonderful, blessed day full of LOVE today! I cooked dinner for my two valentines, nothing special - grilled chicken, baked potatoes, sweet corn, and cornbread muffins (in V-day cupcake liners for that special touch!) - and a cake for dessert. Now I did make the cake extra special -- a 2-layer white cake with chocolate frosting in the shape of a heart. :)

My husband gave me my Valentine's Day gift last week so I could enjoy it. I had to start a 3-day special diet today because I have to take the dreaded 3-hour glucose screening on Thursday (for my pregnancy). Yuck. So I was very happy to get to enjoy my present early! Here is what he got me:

And yes, they are all gone! I had a little help from hubby and my little fella, but enjoyed quite a few myself. Hey, it's fruit which in my book means it's healthy! :)

What did your sweetie get you for Valentine's Day (or what did you get your sweetie)?